Insurance claims transcription can help insurance professionals streamline workflows so that they spend less time working on client files and more time working directly with the clients themselves.
Table of Contents
- Intro
- Who Does Insurance Claims Transcription Help?
- Why Insurance Claims Transcription is a Game Changer
- How Insurance Claims Transcription Saves Time
- How to Get that Time-Saving Clerical Help You Need
Paperwork is time consuming. For many insurance adjusters, insurance agents, and other insurance industry professionals, writing reports takes up a large portion of your day. That’s especially true when an insurance claim comes in. Accident reports, customer statements, adjuster’s reports, doctor reports, witness statements, and other sources of information add up quickly.
Insurance claims transcription improves productivity by speeding up the whole process. It allows insurance professionals to focus more on their customers and clients, and less on all the documentation work that goes with it.
Who Does Insurance Claims Transcription Help?

Are your an insurance agent, adjuster, or other industry professional who feels report writing is taking too much of your busy day?
It sounds like a no-brainer: eliminate your biggest time sucks so you can get more accomplished in your day. That’s doubly true if you’re wasting too much time on tasks that aren’t even part of your core goals. Why spend half your time spinning your wheels when you could be out there getting things done?
But every day, thousands of insurance agents, adjusters, and other office staff are doing just that. Gathering information for reports. Writing reports. Filing reports. Transferring reports. One industry expert estimated that insurance adjusters can spend up to 25 hours per week just writing reports. That’s a lot of time!
Of course, the question will be asked: is writing reports a core function of an insurance agent or adjuster? Some will argue yes. After all, compiling accident reports are a key part of the insurance claim process. But we would argue that taking care of clients is the actual core job of any insurance company. Writing reports is part of that, yes. But if writing those reports takes too much time – like over half the work week – it could very well be getting in the way of customer service.
That’s where insurance claims transcription can help make writing reports more efficient so agents and other insurance professionals spend less time writing and more time with direct client care.
Why Insurance Claims Transcription is a Game-Changer
Insurance claims transcription provides valuable clerical assistance allowing insurance staff to focus less on client documentation and more on the clients themselves.
There was a time when people working in insurance offices across America would have all the clerical help they needed, whether it was a personal assistant or a secretarial pool to drawn on. That changed when the computer and word processor replaced the typewriter. Suddenly, everyone could type their own letters, memos, and reports.
But that didn’t mean that everyone should.
Getting rid of the typists with the typewriters missed an important point. It wasn’t the typing itself that people needed help with (well, not entirely). It was the time involved writing those memos in the first place that was the real help.
And that’s what makes insurance claims transcription such a game changer in the insurance industry: clerical support frees up so much time. As mentioned above, if agents are spending 25 hours per week typing reports, that means:
- It’s 25 hours per week they’re not spending with clients
- For companies, that means it takes more agents to serve fewer clients
- For adjusters, it means the same – more time spent per claim submitted means more adjusters are needed to service all your clients
Of course, claims reports don’t just write themselves, so you’re not going to get back all 25 hours. But getting clerical support can save you many, many hours. How many hours depends greatly on how fast you write reports now.
So how exactly does insurance claims transcription help?
How Insurance Claims Transcription Saves Time
The fact is, most people speak much faster than they type.

Of course, this goes back to the stenographer days. We’ve all seen the old TV shows and movies when an executive would call a stenographer into the office to “take a letter.” The executive dictates the letter, the secretary would write it all down into a steno pad using shorthand, and they would go off to type it up. It was a learned skill, and a very valuable one in the office setting. With this high level of clerical support, the executive could go on to the next item on the to-do list. How efficient!
These days, it’s more efficient still. In this modern age of technology, we can use digital recorders or even an audio recording app on our phones to record dictation any time we want. And, today’s modern transcriptionists are as trained and as skilled as ever. This system saves time in a number of different settings:
- Agents can “write” reports by simply dictating the details into a digital recorder, which for most people is faster and easier than typing the whole thing out
- Instead of jotting down notes of an interview with the claimant or some other person involved, the insurance agent can record the whole conversation (with proper notification and/or permission as needed – check your state’s laws)
- Insurance adjusters can record their notes while doing an assessment rather than stopping every few seconds to write down thoughts
Plus, dictating notes often leads to fuller, more accurate notes because people tend to be much more comfortable speaking their mind than searching for the right words as they hunt-and-peck or write in longhand.
The Next Important Step – Getting That Time-Saving Clerical Help You Need

Clearly then, getting the clerical help you need can save time and money. But is it a hassle? In fact, no – iMedat makes getting insurance claims transcription help easy:
- Call 888-779-5888 during business hours (weekdays 9am to 5pm Eastern) or contact us via our email form
- We’ll get your account set up within minutes
- Securely upload your audio files and we’ll send back your transcription, usually within 24 hours
Do you have any questions before you get started? Not a problem – you can call or email us for clarifications before we get you signed up. You can also read more about iMedat’s insurance transcription services here.
Insurance companies are under a lot of pressure to reduce costs while retaining clients and growing your business. iMedat helps with all three goals. By transferring your non-core documentation needs to qualified transcription professionals, you’ll:
- Spend less time writing reports
- Spend more time talking with customers
- Get more core activities done in a day
- Ultimately save your time and make more money
Contact iMedat today, and let’s get started! We’ll make getting insurance claims transcription help easy.